Packages for SuSE Linux 10.0 Compiled by Volker Kuhlmann ============================ Use the SuSE 9.2 packages until I get to recompiling them for SUSE 10.0. If you would like me to create other packages for you, I will be more than happy to do so. Please contact me for a quote. * bibclean * bibtool * bibutils * cowsay/cowthink * dares * dvdisaster * fdupes * flpsed * ImageMagick3 * par * pdfbook * png2pdf * pstotext * shorten * spinner The SuSE 9.2 packages work fine. * cdrecord-dvdhack * cdrecord-ossdvd Use dvd+rw-tools instead, it's shipped by SuSE. * dvd+rw-tools Updated to version 6.1. * exiftool (perl-Image-ExifTool) Reads/writes meta information in image, audio, video files. * gv The version which can transparently decompress bzip2 files is now shipped by SuSE. * html2text A current version is now shipped by SUSE. * ImageMagick This version 6.2.5 has a very annoying bug in display with space/backspace key navigation fixed. Updated to 6.2.6. * iraf An image processing program, primarily for astronomy. Install the packages from SuSE 8.2. * midas ESO-MIDAS is the European Southern Observatory - Munich Image Data Analysis System, developed and maintained by the European Southern Observatory. MIDAS provides general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis on astronomical applications. Install the packages from SuSE 8.2. * msttcorefonts See This is now integrated into yast; start the yast online update and install the "download Microsoft truetype core fonts". Also, SuSE now has a nifty font installation facility - copy all the X11 font files into some directory (e.g. under /usr/local) and place a symlink to it under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/, then run SuSEconfig --module fonts. * mutt Identical to SuSE's shipped version, except for 1) A time stamp on mail files is updated when the file was modified by mutt. 2) When a mail file is modified, chmod o-x is performed on the file, this works in with using a umask of 076 with procmail. * nedit 5.5 A very good graphical editor. ( The contrib area from is also included in these packages. These packages use the openmotif 2.2.3 shipped by SUSE 10.0. Warning: the x86_64 binary is untested and may corrupt files! * pdftk The pdf tool kit. A current version is now shipped by SUSE. * perl-Image-ExifTool A nice command line EXIF reader which can also modify some of the EXIF settings. * scriptutils This collection of shell scripts helps with everyday tasks, often reducing the amount of typing otherwise required when using the standard utilities. Included are scripts for finding files, comparing directory trees, generating checksums, mastering and writing CDs, downloading URLs listed in special files via cron, and a few others. * smartmontools A current version is now shipped by SUSE. * susegrep, susegrep-data10.0 A searchable index of the SuSE distribution media. Lists package descriptions, file lists etc. The package susegrep contains the program, but use scriptutils in preference. susegrep-data9.2 contains the index for 9.2. You may also install any of the susegrep-dataX.Y packages from previous SuSE versions in parallel. * transfig see -> xfig / transfig * wav2cdr A conversion program for some audio formats into a format suitable for CDs. Adapts to big and little endian machines automatically. Can perform cutting on sampled tracks (useful when digitising records), and a few other operations like volume changes or fading. * wipe A current version is now shipped by SUSE. * WordNet Install the packages from SuSE 8.2. * workman A CD-player program based on xview. This one is recompiled from the SuSE 9.1 sources. The 64 bit version doesn't run, use the 32 bit one. This also needs one of the packages xview-3.2p1.4 or xview-32bit-9.2-200410061204 from SuSE 9.2. * xfig / transfig Current alpha versions which have new features and work reasonably well. These packages are optimised for SuSE. All appliccable patches which SuSE applied to 3.2.4 are applied to this alpha version too. The binaries from are for Red Hat and don't run on SuSE 9.1 because of differences in libraries at binary level. Install the xfig for SuSE 9.2, and the transfig for SuSE 9.1. Transfig 3.2.5alpha7 uses new PostScript shading code which does not give the same result as previous versions. * other/providers-NZ.conf Not a package, but copying this file to /usr/share/providers/NZ.conf makes a bunch of common New Zealand ISPs available in yast when configuring a modem. * other/sysconffiles-XXX.tar.bz2 A basic set of additional shell configuration files, and some patches for a number of programs.