##### strip_egroups_ad.rc # # Resource file for procmail. # Run with: # PROCDIR=directory where your strip_ad.rc is # INCLUDERC=yourpath/strip_egroups_ad.rc # in your $HOME/.procmailrc # # Removes the first ad in Yahoogroups/eGroups list emails. # Now makes use of strip_ad.rc; the old strip_egroups_ad.rc is still # available as strip_egroups_ad_old.rc # # The latest version is always available from: # http://volker.dnsalias.net/soft/procmail/strip_egroups_ad.rc # # In the public domain (this file itself, not strip_ad.rc). # Volker Kuhlmann # 31 Aug 2000; 12 Jan; 2 Feb; 4, 29 Mar 2001 # 10, 11, 14, 22 Apr 2002 # 19 Jul 2003 # 14 Sep 2004 Possible trailing white space # :0 * ^Delivered-To:.*@(yahoogroups|egroups|onelist)\.com * ^Mailing-List:.*@(yahoogroups|egroups|onelist)\.com { AD_END='...-----------------.*-----------------([-~>=_|e]*[~>=_|e] ?|[^-].*-)$' AD_START="^$AD_END" AD_MATCH='http://.*\\.(yahoo|egroups|onelist)\\.com/.*/' AD_NOMATCH='^$' AD_NOTE='[obnoxious Yahoo/eGroups ad removed]\n' INCLUDERC=$PROCDIR/strip_ad.rc # Some egroups formats (Feb-Jul 2000?) AD_START="^--*$" AD_END="^--*$" AD_MATCH='http://click.egroups.com/.*/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*/.*/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*/' # use _NOMATCH and _NOTE as above INCLUDERC=$PROCDIR/strip_ad.rc # Also filter the old onelist ads AD_START='^-------------* *ONElist[ A-Za-z]*-------------*$' AD_END='------' AD_MATCH='http://.*\\.(yahoo|egroups|onelist)\\.com/.*/' AD_NOMATCH="" AD_NOTE='[obnoxious ONElist ad removed]\n' INCLUDERC=$PROCDIR/strip_ad.rc } ##### EOF strip_egroups_ad.rc