! NEdit Highlighting Patterns for email ! ! Version 2.0, tested with NEdit 5.4 and 5.5. ! ! http://volker.dnsalias.net/soft/nedit/ ! and perhaps: ! ftp://ftp.nedit.org/pub/NEdit/contrib/highlighting/ ! ! Load this file by starting nedit with: ! ! nedit -import ! ! Then, check that the patterns were loaded correctly, and choose Save Defaults ! from the Preferences menu. The new patterns will now be incorporated into ! your own .nedit file, so the next time you start NEdit, you will no longer ! need to use -import. ! ! Released under the same license as NEdit itself. ! ! ChangeLog: ! 11 Jan 2004: Volker Kuhlmann , NEdit 5.4 ! - improved from Thorsten Haude's version: ! * quoted lines which are empty coloured correctly ! * 2. and 4. colour swapped, the (now) 2. colour is easier to read ! * regex for attribution line extended, though nothing will ever fit ! all possibilities there ! - TODO: ! * Highlighting of some common email header lines, if present (e.g. ! mutt with set edit_headers=yes, or viewing saved msgs; must handle ! mbox format) ! 12 Jan 2004: Volker Kuhlmann ! - extended to colour the headers if present, and the important headers ! in a different colour ! - handles mbox format mailboxes ! Note: This takes about 1.2s/MB on a P3-450 on first load of the file ! - changed some constructs to non-capturing (faster) ! - need context-rescan-lines of 2 for editing headers ! - extended language mode ! - (corrected ftp URL 10Sep06) nedit.languageModes: \ Mail:.email .mail:"(?:\\[\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d\\]|^(?iFrom|To|Subject))":::::: nedit.highlightPatterns: \ Mail:2:0{\n\ README:"Mail highlighting patterns, version 2.0, maintainer Thorsten Haude, nedit at thorstenhau.de. Improved Volker Kuhlmann, volker.dnsalias.net/soft/nedit":::Warning::\n\ mbox:"^From .*(?=(?:\\n.+)*\\n(?iFrom|To|Subject):)":"\\n\\n":"\\n\\n":Keyword::\n\ ImportantHeaders:"^(?i(?:From|To|Subject|Date|Reply-To):).*":::Flag:mbox:\n\ attribution:"^(?:\\* <.*> \\<[-_.\\l\\d]+@[-_.\\l\\d]+\\> \\[\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d\\]:|\\l.*[^\\l\\d]\\d\\d\\d\\d[^\\l\\d].*:)$":::String1::D\n\ quote 1:"^\\>\\s*(?:|[^>\\s].*)$":::Preprocessor1::D\n\ quote 2:"^\\>\\s*\\>\\s*(?:|[^>\\s].*)$":::String::D\n\ quote 3:"^\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*(?:|[^>\\s].*)$":::Text Key1::D\n\ quote 4:"^\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*(?:|[^>\\s].*)$":::Subroutine1::D\n\ quote 5:"^\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*(?:|[^>\\s].*)$":::Preprocessor::D\n\ quote 6:"^\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*\\>\\s*(?:|[^>\\s].*)$":::String1::D\n\ signature:"^-- (?:\\n[^\\n]+)*":::Text Comment::\n\ }