Files: citations.tar.gz example citations in the formats below ieee-more.ieeeris.gz more ieee citations Some of these files contain carriage returns in some places! The IEEE format is somewhat noxious, not sure whether it would be a good idea to incorporate it into a RIS import filter because it might simply be incompatible, although it looks very similar. Ideally I'd like to keep all of the information contained in the citations, even though they would never be printed with a reference in a published document (e.g. abstract, keywords, document numbers) because it helps managing bibliographies. They are easily kept in some obviously-named BibTeX field. Export filters to BibTeX need to escape TeX-special characters in text (as well as surround upper-case acronyms with {} in titles and a few other such things). Volker kuhlmann, 19 Feb, 8 Mar 2003 Data base: Compendex URL: Export format: RIS (for Compendex records only, there are other data bases available through this interface as well) Example: compendex.ris Data base: IEEE/IEE URL: Export format: they call it "ISI ResearchSoft" similar to RIS, but not the same Example: ieee.ieeeris Note: My university library tells me that IEEE has been in the process of sorting themselves out with some citation format for some while. They may have contracted ResearchSoft to do it for them. ResearchSoft sells EndNote (common windows program). Note: I programmed a cleanup/conversion filter for this to BibTeX. Data base: ProQuest 5000 URL: Export format: RIS (Export directly to ProCite, EndNote or Reference Manager) (Download in a format compatible with RefWorks, Reference Manager, ProCite and EndNote. Click Save As on the browser's File menu, and save as text file) Example: proquest-exporttofile.ris Example: proquest-saveas.ris Data base: Science Citation Index / ISI Web of Science URL: Export format: ISI (?) Example: sciencecitation.isi Data base: Science Direct URL: Export format: RIS (for Reference Manager, ProCite, EndNote) Example: sciencedirect.ris Data base: INSPEC URL: [MSDOS-based with CDROMs when I used it] ( ?) Example: inspec.inspec Data base: Ovid URL: [MSDOS-based with CDROMs when I used it] ( ?) Example: ovid.ovid Note: Can't remember what the connection with Current Contents is/was