From a source inside government law enforcement: -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Please recite the following lines in your best used car salesman voice. Thank you.) Hey kids! Did you ever want to have your very own IIS server? Well now you can! Just turn on your handy little Zone Alarm firewall and sit back and relax. Before you know it, you'll be overflowing with all the FREE systems you could want. Once you find a few hundred you like, just telnet to port 80 and show the following "GET in FREE" command: GET /scripts/root.exe HTTP/1.0. It's just....that....easy! Have you ever had a deal this good! What's even better is that this isn't just for a limited time, just wait till next month and the deal starts all over again. So head down to your nearest listserve and pick up your IIS server now! Remember it's all FREE!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- The NEW and IMPROVED worm installs a Telnet server which you can access with the a simple HTTP Get request. Simply collect some "hits" with your favorite firewall log, and you have the IPs of "open" IIS servers. If you then telnet to port 80 at that IP, and give the command above, you receive a system prompt. --------------------------------------------------------------------